Thursday, September 18, 2008

Mamadrama I: Adventures in Diapering

Our First "Mamadrama" comes from Kelsi. She has two sweet little girls and amazing photogskills. Check out her website!

Be warned, this blog post is rated PG and is not for the faint of heart or those considering having a child; it may sway your decision...

So Maddi, (who at the time of this incident was 24 months) is allergic to everything under the sun. Unfortunately, I realized after months and months of diaper rashes, that she was allergic to disposable diapers, so we reverted to old-school cloth diapers. That's not even the scary part. (and it's really not as scary as you might suspect - I love using cloth!!!). ...Well, Tuesday, I got her out of bed and after changing a sopping wet diaper and stripping her down, I realized that all of her cloth diapers were downstairs, folded neatly on top of the washing machine. So, I took her downstairs in her birthday suit, planning to diaper on the couch. We make our way downstairs - sleepy mom and naked little girl - and low and behold, there are the diapers, but I left the little poop papers upstairs. (let me explain the necessity of poop papers; this is where it starts to get PG... Poop Papers, aka Kushies Flushable Inserts, are little soft paper inserts that look like toilet paper. You lay them in the cloth diaper and then when Jr. does his business, you can flush it away in the toilet without having to scrub #2 out of the cloth. They are MANDATORY for squeamish moms.) Well, I get downstairs and realize that the poop papers are upstairs and there's no way I'm willing to risk going without. So, I think to myself, she's just had a sopping wet diaper, there's nothing left in her, and there's no harm in leaving her naked downstairs for the 8.4 seconds it will take me to go upstairs, grab the poop papers, and come down. (You can see where this is going....)

So, being a naive first time mom of an ornery toddler, I sprint up the stairs, grab the poop papers, and coming running downstairs. As I reach the bottom step, Maddi is standing at our back door, in all her glory, with her hands over her head, waving her little fingers. She looks at me and says in her deepest grovelling voice, trying to accentuate the severity of what she is about to say, "MOMMY! BIG POOPY!!" (I pause, not wanting to contemplate the full meaning of this statement...), so again she says: "BIIIIGGG POOPY". yup. In less than 10 seconds, Maddi had left her perch in front of the TV watching Elmo, had run to the front door, done her business, and had time to run to the back door, before I came down the stairs. it HAD to have been premeditated. and she was right. it was a BIIIIGGG POOPY. moral of the story: never leave your laundry downstairs and never, under any circumstances, believe that a 2 year old can 'hold it' for more than 5 seconds.