Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Photography Tips

i wanted to have my first post BIG, but then i thought that might overwhelm people. Instead i am going to share some basic Photography tips. Everyone loves photos of their children, but we often have those random photos that look far from professional ( you know the ones, the back of their head, they have closed eyes, it's blurry, etc). Many times we spend hours setting up and then even more time trying to get the child(ren) to just cooperate; and in the end you have taken only one photo that didn't turn out well at all. It doesn't need to be a hard task. You can capture wonderful photos without really trying if you follow a few simple rules.

One simple trick is this; Take your camera with you EVERYWHERE! If you have a small digital camera that will fit in your purse or diaper bag, take it with you. I can not count the times when i was just doing an average task and my daughter did something i wanted to capture on film. Even if you are in the middle of the grocery store and your child falls asleep in a cute way. Simple things that only matter to you might happen when you least expect it. Not to mention the ones you'll want to share with everyone; First step, first smile, first bites of food, etc. Always have your camera on hand, and do not be afraid to use it. After all, you spent the money to purchase the camera, don't forget why you bought it; the adorable kids!

Second is this; if you have digital, buy that big memory card! Then take lots of photos. And keep taking lots of photos. Take them until you fill up that memory card! Once you get home spend a few minutes transferring your photos from your memory card to your computer. Once the kids have gone to bed take 30 minutes and flip through the folder one image at a time. Examine the photos you took, think about it, and then make a choice to either save it or trash it. Not every photo you take will be a keeper, learn to be OK with this...otherwise you will need another computer to hold all of your photos ;-)

Third is pretty simple...don't over-think. Do not spend too many minutes trying to "stage" a photo. Some of the greatest photos for me are ones where the child is just living in their daily moments and you capture it. Let them be who they are when you are taking their photo. Save the "Posed 'Say Cheese' face" for when you pay a professional. Your kids will end up getting use to you being there with the camera so you are able to capture more photos of them in their moments and less of them posing for you.

In the end, just have fun! Don't be afraid to take photos. Don't be afraid to get down to their level and see things from a different perspective. Don't always stand above them looking down with the camera...get down there, get your jeans dirty along with them. Just remember to have fun! :o)

Michele Blue